PHONE: 1300 HEART 1 (1300 43278 1)
FAX: 03 8582 6966
ADDRESS: Suite 5, 2 Enterprise Drive, Bundoora VIC 3083

Ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) monitoring involves measuring blood pressure (BP) at regular intervals (usually every 20–30 minutes) over a 24 hour period while patients undergo normal daily activities, including sleep. The portable monitor is worn on a belt connected to a standard cuff on the upper arm and uses an oscillometric technique to detect systolic, diastolic and mean BP as well as heart rate.1 When complete, the device is connected to a computer that prepares a report of the 24 hour, day time, night time, and sleep and awake (if recorded) average systolic and diastolic BP and heart rate.

Ambulatory Blood Pressure (ABP) Monitoring - SCCVS


  • Suspected white-coat hypertension (including in pregnancy)
  • Suspected masked hypertension (untreated subject with normal clinic BP and elevated ABP)
  • Suspectednocturnalhypertensionornonighttime reduction in BP (dipping)
  • Hypertension despite appropriate treatment
  • Patients with a high risk of future cardiovascular events (even if clinic BP is normal)
  • Suspected episodic hypertension.

Ambulatory BP monitoring may also be useful for:

  • titrating antihypertensive therapy
  • borderline hypertension
  • hypertension detected early in pregnancy
  • suspected or confirmed sleep apnoea
  • syncope or other symptoms suggesting orthostatic hypotension, where this cannot be demonstrated in the clinic.